Monday, January 16, 2017

Bipolar Meds: Worth it?

I haven't been so well these past few days. I managed to weather the holidays fairly well, which was an accomplishment. But really extreme anxiety and OCD and depression is setting in. Right now, I'm taking Depakote, Seroquel and Xanax. I don't want to take any more Xanax because I already feel so doped up I can hardly function. I really, really want to request an extreme anti-depressant (which I know I won't get), and sleeping pills again. When Ambien worked for me, it was great. I got regular, stress-free sleep. It stopped working for me in October after five years. I am seriously considering asking for a different type of sleeping pill. The problem for me is that the Depakote and the Seroquel make me so damn groggy the next day, it's hard for me to function. Take into account that I couldn't fall asleep until 12:30am last night and had to get up at 6:30 to work, these meds are largely not working for me. I was so out of it driving today that I had to drink an energy drink and two cups of coffee to get going. I still had trouble at work with focusing. I got lost driving from client to client several times. Then I get depressed. The anxiety is almost overwhelming. What am I to do? Keep trying medication combinations. Combine all of this with the insane amount of weight I've gained on these medications. I don't know. Not a very uplifting post, but it's how I'm doing at the moment.

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